Our projects


Unleash your hidden beauty, book your slot and save your time. One app for booking Inshop services and home services. Our app Stylyst is a platform which provides online booking of salon services for men, women and Kids and there are many more other features in our app like favorites section, tracking your appointment, gallery/blogs of every salon etc...

Stylyst User app

Stylyst Vendor

UNIQ - Be Real

UNIQ is a cosmetics store focused on providing customers with the highest quality products. We offer a wide range of items from makeup to skincare to hair care. Our products are carefully curated to ensure that our customers get the best of the best.

We are passionate about our products and believe that beauty should be accessible to everyone. We strive to provide our customers with the most up-to-date makeup and skincare trends so that they can feel confident and look their best. Shop with us today and see the difference

Join Botics

JoinBotics is a leading EdTech company specializing in STEM education, offering comprehensive programs that integrate robotics, coding, engineering, and more. Our immersive learning experiences inspire students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills. With a dedicated team of experienced instructors and a commitment to innovative teaching methods, Join Botics provides cutting-edge technology tools and a customizable curriculum, empowering students to thrive in the digital age and prepare for future success in STEM fields.